* Please be noted that international registration can only be clicked & completed through computer/laptop OS for registration and cannot be done through mobile iOS.
Call for Abstracts in “International Sessions” of China Hypertension Meeting 2024
If you wish to present your research at CHM 2024 in the international sessions in English, please submit your abstract via the submission system following the guidelines below.
Opening of Abstract Submission and Registration - Closed Now
24 June (Monday), 2024 (China Standard Time)
Deadline for Abstract Submission and Registration - Closed Now
15 September (Sunday), 2024 (China Standard Time)
Presentation Format
On-site Oral Presentation or ePoster Presentation
Registration Fees
Speakers from overseas*: Free, need to register first and applies only to the first author
Speakers in China: Fee required for registration.
*All international presenters submitting abstracts are required to take their own travel expenses both internationally and within China. Please see the venue information from below,
Congress venue: Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Colorful Yunnan Hotel, Kunming, China
(Address: No.569 Dianchi Road, Xishan District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province, Telephone number: (0871)68177777)
Congress Date: 28th Nov.- 1st Dec. 2024. The detailed program will be notified to you through your registered email address.
Notification Date of Your Abstract
End of October, 2024
CHM Young Investigator Award and Best Oral & Poster Award
The Process:
1.SUBMIT your abstracts to the CHM 2024 website
*You cannot submit the same abstract in both Chinese and English.
2.All English abstracts will enter the abstract selection process of the international sessions. The International Committee of the China Hypertension Meeting 2024 will conduct the selection process for outstanding presentations
* Those who were not selected for the award session presentation will have the opportunity to present their research as an oral presentation or a poster presentation in the other international general sessions.
3.Selected speakers need to present as oral on-site at the CHM Young Investigator Award session. (Participants must be under 35 years old)
4.The award ceremony will be held continuously after the presentation and total program and will be notified later by the organizing committee.
Speaker and Delegate Registration Guidelines
All registrations for CHM 2024 must be submitted through the online registration system. Registrations by telephone or e-mail cannot be accepted. If you have any problems during the online registration process, please contact Registration Support at: Harvey.xie@u-med.com.cn
*Please note that all cut-off dates are based on Beijing Time (GMT +8).
CHM 2024 Organizing Committee offers a special registration for the international sessions participants freely, only for invited speaker and selected abstract presenter. No accompanying person allowed.
Registration Policy
Participant’s registration includes: access to all sessions, access to exhibition and poster areas, Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception, Conference Kit.
Please refer to the following cut-off dates cancellation (dates are based on Beijing Time, GMT 8).
Cancellations received after 1st November 2024 and no-shows, please be sure to inform the conference team, as they have already booked hotel rooms and other related expenses for you. However, a substitute delegate is accepted at no charge. For delegate substitution, a written notice must be provided to the Registration Service at: Harvey.xie@u-med.com.cn before 1st November 2024. Any overdue cancellation or substitution shall not be accepted.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts can ONLY be submitted online via the congress website. Abstracts sent by post or email will not be accepted.
For standardization, the acceptable length of the abstract is a maximum of 1,800 characters including non-visible characters, such as spaces and line breaks. This does not include the author's details, titles, tables and figures.
Each submitted abstract should be typed in English.
A confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be sent to the correspondence author's email upon their on-line submission.
We highly recommend you to participate onsite in oral or ePoster presentation. There’s no online connecting service for presentation. If you could not appear in person, please let us know and we could also present your research by ePoster.
* When submitting the abstract, please indicate whether it is an oral or poster presentation, and indicate whether you can be on-site or not.
Congress Secretariat
E-mail: Harvey.xie@u-med.com.cn